The top smartphone manufacturer in India is no longer Samsung

Over the last few years, the Indian smartphone market has become a hotbed for growth, as demand for mid-tier devices increases more and more. During this time, Samsung had asserted itself as the number one manufacturer in the country, but soon companies based in India itself started rising in popularity. One of them, Micromax, has even today eclipsed Samsung in order to clinch the number one Indian smartphone OEM ranking in a new report by Canalys.
According to the report, smartphone shipments in India totaled 21.6 million units. Of those, 23% costed less than US$100 (around INR6,000), and 22% were Micromax phones. The company may now hold the number one title, but that doesn’t quite mean that it has Samsung beat – the South Korean manufacturer came in just 2% below Micromax, at 20%.
The Indian smartphone sector has grown about 90% year-over-year, so there is much room for things to change in short time period. Should Micromax continue to address the right market segments at reasonable prices, it’s quite likely that it will be able to maintain its dominance over the market as a whole for the foreseeable future. As for Samsung, a renewed focus on the low-end could shift its fortunes to earn it the first place position once more, but it does seem to be doing quite well as-is.
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