Apple rumored to release iOS 8.2 in March at a special event

The buzz in the wearables space has been largely stolen by the Apple Watch, which Apple first debuted months ago at its iPhone 6 unveil event in Fall. Now that quite some time has passed, the company is nearly ready to launch the device, and one part of that launch involves an iOS update in order to add support for the device. iOS 8.2 is currently in its beta stage right now, but a new report from BGR states that the wider Apple iOS 8.2 release could happen sometime in March.
This release could correspond with a special event in March too, which is seemingly more and more likely. Given that Apple has confirmed to us that the Watch will begin shipping in April, and that we’ve been seeing rumors as of late of a 12″ MacBook Air model on the horizon, a March event would make perfect sense to jam news of both of these plus iOS 8.2 in to a press conference to kick off the year.
A very select group of developers, says BGR, has already been asked to submit Apple Watch-enabled applications to Apple to be possibly featured at this event, so it seems pretty certain that Apple is nearing the end of its preparation for the launch of its first wearable device.
Source: BGR
Via: iClarified
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