dirtiest man alive

An 80-year-old Iranian man claims to be the dirtiest man alive and we have to agree!
Amou Haji lives, who lives in southern Iran, has not bathed for 60 years.
He had some emotional disturbances as a child making him believe cleanliness will make him sick.
He refuses to drink clean water and get angry when offered a bath.
Haji lives off the land you could say. He sleeps in a hole in the ground that is similar to a grave. He eats rotten meat and smokes animal dung.

ISIS Beheading 21 christian egyptians in a 5 min

The U.S. condemned the videotaped beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians kidnapped in Libya, explicitly blaming ISIS-affiliated terrorists Sunday for the "wanton killing of innocents."
The Egyptians, dressed in orange jump suits, were beheaded after being forced down on the ground on a beach. An early caption in the video says the location is "Wilayat Tarabulus by the Mediterranean Sea," which suggests that it was filmed near Tripoli.
Each of the victims, who are all male, is paired with a masked, knife-wielding terrorist and, after a brief statement by the ISIS leader, they are all beheaded.
The video is called "A Message signed with blood to the nation of the cross" and was released by the group's Al-Hayat Media Center, according to Flashpoint Intelligence, a global security firm and NBC News consultant.
"This undeniably means that the group now views Christian populations as not only targets but also part of the bigger 'Crusader plot,' not separate from the US-led coalition or aggressors," a Flashpoint report said. "The group's message is highly intimidating and it somewhat challenges the Western nations to intervene and save the Christians as it intervened to save the Yazidis and others."
The video appeared on the Twitter feed of a website that supports ISIS.
The U.S. statement came a few hours after Egypt's official state news agency said a Coptic Church spokesman had confirmed the killings. "This heinous act once again underscores the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya, the continuation of which only benefits terrorist groups, including ISIL," it said.

fifty shades of Grey facts

10 - Disgusted by the book, a US abuse charity asked people to donate copies to be burned, after receiving juse 24 copies, they recycled them into toilet papers.

9 - a man who found his partner reading the novel was arrested after squirting steak sauce in her face, angered after she read aloud racy passages, he said he wanted to show what "saucy" meant

8 - to prepare for the role as domaniting christian grey, actor jamie Dornan visited sex dungeons, he drank beer while watching a dominant and submissive couple having sex

7 - sales of geisha balls, used by christan and Anna have soard by 400% since publication, Lexington hardware in New York also reported selling 10 times more ropes than usual

6 - Ana blushed 127 throughout fifty shades of Grey - thats 5.1 times per day, repeatdly saing " holy cow " and " holy crap" ,she used the word holy 147 times, once every 3.5 pages

5 - high demand on fifty shades of grey saved a peper mill. prior to the order of 3.000 tons of paper the mills had been forced to to lose 3800 employees

4 - women who read fifty shades of grey were found to be more likely to have eating and drinking disorders. of 650 women those who read it were 65% more likely to binge drink and 75% more likely to fast extensively

3 - a british woman filed for divorce because her husband refused to recreate the book S&M Scenes, she cited his boring attitude to sex and low lipido as evidence of " unreasonable Behavior "

2 - a man killed his ex-girlfriend while playing a 50 shades of grey sex game, she was bound with nylon tights and hit 123 times with a  blackboard pointer

1 - belgian professors discovered traces of herpies in library copies of fifty shades of Grey, cocaine was also found, with traces large enough to mke readers potentially fails a drug test

LG G Flex 2 unboxing: hands-on with a hotrod

The LG G Flex 2 (or “LG G Flex2″ if we’re being properly hip about it) is a substantial re-working of the company’s original G Flex, which we reviewed back in 2013. The G Flex 2 broke cover at CES 2015 last month, brandishing a smaller footprint, improved internals, a revised self-healing coating and a Full-HD P-OLED display not so prone to burn-in as its predecessor’s. LG jokingly called the device “the best smartphone of 2015″ when it rolled out the demo units on that January day barely a week into new year … but the combination of its Snapdragon 810 processor, available 3GB of RAM and Android Lollipop do indeed make for a potent gadget cocktail that, at the moment, has no peer in the smartphone landscape.
We’ll see how well the G Flex 2 stacks up against its predecessor –and its competitors– in our full review and comparison coverage coming later in the month. Right now, we’re here to see what a retail device looks like when a customer shells out enough clams to take it home (currently around $800US in Singapore, according to CNET). In other words: we’re here for an LG G Flex 2 unboxing, and by gum, we’re not leaving until the tape is cut and the screen protector is peeled away.

10 Fun Valentine's Day Facts

1. Valentine’s Day started with the Romans. There are two theories about the origin of Valentine’s Day. The first is that the day derives from Lupercalia, a raucous Roman festival on February 15 where men stripped naked and spanked young maidens in hopes of upping their fertility. The second theory is that while the Roman Emperor Claudius II was trying to bolster his army, he forbade young men to marry (apparently single men make better soldiers). In the spirit of love, St. Valentine defied the ban and performed secret marriages. For his disobedience, Valentine was executed on February 14.
2. It’s not the most popular holiday for greeting cards. According to the Greeting Card Association, 190 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second most popular greeting card–giving occasion, after Christmas.

3. Single ladies have a good shot at finding a date. There are 119 single men—never married, widowed or divorced—in their 20s for every 100 single women of the same age.

4. True love is apparently not that hard to find. Over two million marriages take place in the United States every year. That means there are more than 6,000 a day!
5. Husbands and boyfriends like to give bouquets. Men account for 73 percent of Valentine's Day flower sales.

6. Roses are the flowers of love. The favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love? The red rose, of course. The bud stands for strong romantic feelings, so it’s no surprise they make up the most popular Valentine’s Day bouquets.

7. “Wearing your heart on your sleeve” is more than just a phrase. In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names to see who their Valentine would be. They would wear the name pinned to their sleeve for one week so that everyone would know their supposed true feelings.
8. Money can buy love. The average U.S. consumer spent around $102 on Valentine's Day gifts, meals and entertainment in 2009, according to an annual U.S. National Retail Federation survey. Roughly 92 percent of married Americans with children will spend most of that money (about $67) on their spouse; the rest goes to Valentine's Day gifts for kids, friends, coworkers and even pets

9Americans have a serious sweet tooth. According to the National Confectioners Association, about eight billion candy hearts were made in 2009.

10. The chocolate box has been around for more than 140 years. The first Valentine's Day box of chocolates was introduced by Richard Cadbury in 1868.


countries with the highest crime rates

10 - South Africa
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 7,719
9 - Netherlands
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 7,958

8 - USA
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 8,007

7 - Montserrat
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 8,040
6 - UK
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 8,555

5 - Chile
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 8,823

4 - Denmark
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 9,283
3 - Finland 
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 10,153

2 - New Zealand
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 10,588
1 - Dominica
Reported crimes per 100,000 population : 11,382


10 unusual deaths in all history

10 - Gyorgy Dozsa
Hungarian Rebel, Died in 1514
Hlaf Cooked to death on a Hot Iron throne then eaten alive by his co-conspirators as a punishement for leading a peasant revolt 
 9 - Gouverneur Moriss 
American Statesmen, died in 1816
death cause by attemting to unblock his urinary trace usine a 
whale bone

8 - Moliere 
playwright and actor, died n 1673
died from a coughing fit shortlyy after starring as the hypochondriac in the play " the imaginary invalid "

7 - Franz Reichett
inventtor, died in 1912
fell to his death after jumping off the eiffel tower to demonstrate the parachute suit he had invented
6 - Chrysippus
Philosopher, died C. 206 BC
supposedly died from a ffit of laughter after his drunk donkey attempted to eat figs

5 - Marcus Garvey
Black Nationalist, died in 1940
panAfrican proponent who suffereda fatal stroke after reading a premature obituary about himself

4 - Harry Houdini
magician, died in 1926
already suffereing from appendicitis, he challenged someone to punch him in the stomach, he died a few days later from a burst appendix

3 - Tycho Brahe 
Astronomer,died 1601
modern research points to mercury poisoning but historically his death was attributed to bladder damage, the result of his refusal to break etiquette and use the toilet during a banquet.
2 - King Adolf Frederick
King of Sweden, died 1771
known as the king who ate himself to death. died after eating a huge meal, that included 14 servings of selma dessert

1 - Attila the Hun
Ruler of the Huns, Died 453 AD 
chocked to death on his own blood on his own wedding night - possibly result of a particulary nosebleed

Apple now is worth more than microsoft and google combined, $720B

It’s surreal to think that the same company that was roughly 90 days from going bankrupt back in 1997, is now considered the most valuable company in the world. Even more surreal is the fact that Microsoft was one of the companies that helped boost credibility back into Apple as part of Steve Jobs’ turn around plan, and that now Apple is worth more than both Microsoft and Google combined. Apple’s stock is on a rise after certain records were broken yesterday, and the numbers are just crazy.
Apple became the first US company in history to close stock market trading with $700 billion in market cap. This has resulted in a positive spike in Apple’s stock, with shares worth $124.20 at the time that we finished writing this post, and that results in a crazy $723.4 billion in market cap, again, at the time of the writing of this post. Just to give you an idea, Apple’s shares have grown 48% since the start of 2014. Tim Cook was recently interviewed over this new broken record, and to his satisfaction he’s also added how much the Chinese market has contributed to this growth. According to Apple’s CEO, the Chinese market has grown from a $1 billion market, to a $38 billion market over the last five years. Obviously the positive quarter results that we discussed a few weeks ago also contributed to these new records becoming a reality.
Not bad for a tech company that barely produces a couple of phones, tablets, computers, accessories and software. Let’s see how Apple’s results behave with the launch of products like the Apple Watch.


Three Muslims killed in shooting near UNC; police, family argue over motive​

 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — A sudden, shocking spasm of violence near campus of the University of North Carolina here was followed quickly by alarm and debate about why three Muslims were allegedly gunned down by a neighbor and what role, if any, religion may have played.
Police on Wednesday said that initial indications suggested the shooting stemmed from “an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking,” an assertion that was echoed by the suspected shooter’s wife. But relatives of the victims insisted that the incident should be viewed as a hate crime, while the fact that three Muslims were killed in a single shooting drew international attention to a relatively quiet college town.
The three victims were identified by police and school officials in the early hours of Wednesday morning. They were all young adults with ties to universities in the region, two of whom had gotten married just six weeks earlier: Deah Barakat, 23, was a second-year student at the University of North Carolina’s School of Dentistry; his wife, Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, 21, was set to enroll there in the fall. The third victim was her 19-year-old sister, Razan, a student at nearby North Carolina State University in Raleigh.
“They were angels, just wonderful, beautiful people,” Ayoub Ouederni, vice president of the UNC Muslim Student Association, said Wednesday. “They were all-American kids, just ordinary kids.”
Also early Wednesday morning, police said they had arrested and charged Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, with three counts of murder. Hicks turned himself in to the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office in nearby Pittsboro after the shooting.
The shooting deaths of three Muslims prompted concerns that the violence was motivated by their religion, and leading Muslim civil rights advocates called for police to address that possible explanation. But the Chapel Hill Police Department said it appeared, at least initially, that the shooting centered on a parking argument, while also promising to see if religion was a factor in the killings.

“Our investigators are exploring what could have motivated Mr. Hicks to commit such a senseless and tragic act,” Chris Blue, the Chapel Hill police chief, said in a statement. “We understand the concerns about the possibility that this was hate-motivated and we will exhaust every lead to determine if that is the case.”
Family members of the victims disputed the idea that it was simply an argument involving parking. The father of two of the victims said Wednesday that one of his daughters had previously told her family about Hicks having a problem with the way she looked.
“It was execution style, a bullet in every head,” Mohammad Abu-Salha, a psychiatrist in nearby Clayton, N.C., told the News and Observer in Raleigh. “This was not a dispute over a parking space; this was a hate crime. This man had picked on my daughter and her husband a couple of times before, and he talked with them with his gun in his belt. And they were uncomfortable with him, but they did not know he would go this far.”
Barakat’s sister on Wednesday asked that authorities investigate the three “senseless and heinous murders” as a hate crime.

Bezel-less smartphone emerges in China, shows us how it’s done

When it comes to bezels, the “bezel-less smartphone” is a controversial topic: some like the frame around the screen, some loathe it, and some simply don’t care. This bezel-less smartphone right here — the Serendipity S7 — while aimed at those who prefer edge-to-edge screens, shows us how it can be done.
No, you can’t buy it at the moment; maybe at a later date, as just a few models are available in China, but production will eventually ramp up. With 0.7mm bezels, this 5.5-inch screen-featuring smartphone (Full HD) has the best screen to body ratio, or so it’s claimed. Considering the fairly large screen, and the “aircraft-grade aluminum” frame chassis, it comes as a surprise that the Serendipity S7 only weighs 120gr.
On the inside, things don’t look that futuristic: Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor with four cores, 2GB of RAM, 16GB internal storage, 13MP camera, five-megapixel webcam, and a 2,600mAh battery.
Would you buy this phone, and, if yes, how much would you pay for it, if it was available right now?



N° 10 - South Africa
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 43.3 years
N°9 - Djibouti 
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 41.9 years

N° 8 - Mozambique
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 41.6 years
N° 7 - Lesotho
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 41 years

N° 6 - Zimbabwe
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 40.9 years
N° 5 - Liberia
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 39.9 years

N° 4 - Sierra Leone
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 38.6 years

N° 3 - Zambia
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 38.5 years
N° 2 - Angola
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 37 years

N° 1 - Swaziland
Continent : Africa
Life expectancy at birth : 31.7 years

see more

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