A muslim’s opinion about the shooting of charlie hebdo newspaper in paris

  • Islam is a forgiven religion its a piece religion, and against all the preconceptions muslims does not support violence or killing .. anywhere and in any religion or country you’ll find crazy people , and stupid too …
  • It’s selfish to do something that will let the same people whome you are trying to defende suffer from really bad consquences of your actions, you kill one person and millions of muslims and arabs in western coutries will go through the racism and the bad repitution and crazy people trying to hurt them or send them to their country and cut their livelyhood.
  • But also as a person i don’t see how this thing of freedom work ! anyone please answer me ?

  • Any person in the world would take offense if i told him without a reason you are a son of a bitch , or your father is a criminal , he would be upset and he might sue me , if today i wrote an article dissing the sketch artist or any writer in that magasine , the majority will see it as an disrespectfull act.
  • So how can you say insult a holy person to more than a billion people and you say its freedom . if you think it’s your freedom to insult a person that is important to a lot of people, then there’s crazy people that will think it’s thier freedom to kill any person who disagree with them .
  • You are a chrisitan or whatever your religion is and you are in your country and you do whatever  you want, i don’t force you to do anything, so why do you feel the need to insult me and hurt my feelings and insult my prophet ?
  • And finally these acts of violence and terrorism that we say , does not come from religion or ethnicity , it comes from pauverety and ignorance, from the low leven of education, and the high level of corruption, people leaving their wives and their families to go to ISIS In iraq or syria , it’s not about fucking principals it’s about money, young men sitting in their homes , no job no future no education,   they prefer to die and leave some money to their families than keep living in the same shit they are  in.

The problem it’s not religion, the problem it’s an educational problem, it’s an economic problem, it’s a justice problem …..

P.S : i am a muslim arabic person
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April 18, 2015 at 8:47 PM

Read the books of 'Ayaan Hirsi Ali' and then tell me that Islam is a religion of peace.

April 18, 2015 at 9:13 PM

Time and time again, we in the west are fed this bullshit that Islam is a peaceful religion and has nothing to do with ISIS or Boko Haram or any of the other islamic terrorists, by our 'Apologist' leaders.

Islam to me is evil, it promotes killing those who have turned their backs on it, it promotes enslaving non muslims and taking their land.

Islam is not welcome in western countries, it should be kept where it belongs in backward countries like Pakistan, I say 'Backward' meaning living in the 7th century.

Muslims came to my country, England, a long time ago, seeking freedom from repression and wanted what we have enjoyed for centuries, but what happened? as time went by and more and more came, they started wanting what they fled from in the first place?? sharia fucking law, forced marriages, genital mutilation, husbands allowed to beat their wives. The list is endless.

Now tell me, you are proud to be part of that.
If you are a muslim man, I expect the answer is YES.
If you are a muslim woman, I expect the answer is...... nothing, you do not have a voice.

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