10 most bizzare gueniss records

as i've been surfing the web .. i noticed some wierd records being held .. so i figure out i should make a list of the 10 bizzarre guiness world records in my opinion
so without further ado here's my top 10 list
coming up at number 10

 - the world largest biceps

  • Moustafa Ismail says iron-rich plant is to him what kryptonite is to Superman, The 24-year-old Egyptian holds Guinness World Record for largest biceps

  • 'Big Mo' can lift 600lbs - the same weight as an average-sized grizzly bear, His daily diet includes 7lb of meat, 9lb of carbs and three gallons of water

  • He was fat as a child and worshiped muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • number 9 : most people dressed as smurfs

  • The world record for the largest number of people dressed as Smurfs has been smashed in Swansea.the record was previously held by the town of Castleblayney in County Monaghan, Ireland, which recorded 1,253 Smurfs gathered in the high street last year.

  • number 8 : world longest fingernails

    The longest fingernails belonged to Lee Redmond (USA), who started to grow them in 1979 and carefully manicured them to reach a total length of 8.65 m (28 ft 4.5 in) as measured on the set of Lo show dei record in Madrid, Spain, on 23 February 2008. Lee lost her nails in an automobile accident in early 2009.

    number 7 : world stretchiest skin 

    Garry Turner of Great Britain is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to a length of 15.8 centimeters (6.25 inches) due to a rare condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs. The collagen that strengthens the skin and determines its elasticity becomes defective, resulting in, among other things, a loosening of the skin and hypermobility of the joints. In more serious cases, it can cause the fatal collapse or rupturing of blood vessels


    All at attention to Lord Vader, this display was composed of 35,210 individual models and was built by LEGO® in Slough, UK, on June 27, 2008. One of two Star Wars records here; The Force is strong!

    number 5: the world largest snail

    The largest known land gastropod is the African giant snail (Achatina achatina). The largest recorded specimen of this species measured 39.3 centmeters (15.5 inches) from snout to tail when fully extended. Its shell length was 27.3 centimeters (10.75 inches) and it weighed exactly 900 grams (2 pounds).

    number 4 : most eggs crushed by the head in one minute

    A student has managed cracking 142 eggs with his forehead, thus gaining the record title for "Most Eggs Crushed With The Head."

    number 3 : the rairiest family in the world

    Mexicans Victor "Larry" Gomez, Gabriel "Danny" Ramos Gomez, Luisa Lilia De Lira Aceves and Jesus Manuel Fajardo Aceves [pictured here] are four of a family of 19 that span five generations all suffering from the rare condition called Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis, characterised by excessive facial and torso hair. The women are covered with a light to medium coat of hair while the men of the family have thick hair on approximately 98% of their body apart from their hands and feet

    number 2 : record for full body ice contact endurance

    The longest time spent in direct, full-body contact with ice is 1 hour 42 minutes and 22 seconds by Wim Hof of the Netherlands on Jan. 23, 2009.


    Ilker Yilmaz (Turkey) squirted milk from his eye a distance of 279.5 cm (9 ft 2 in) at the Armada Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey on 1 September 2004.


    the iphone 6 and iphone 6+ : an honest opinion .

    in september 9  2014 : apple announced the iphone 6 and iphone 6+ and apple watch wich would be vailable in the beggining of 2015, it was almost two years now waiting for  the new generation iphone hoping it would the new leading handset in hardware and software , but it was a big disapointement for majority of the fans .. for me i prefer windowsphone software above android and IOS , but i hoped that apple with take the next step and bring something new to the table, like it did in 2007 with their first iphone .... it almost assure after steve jobs apple will decline and in the end it will vanish ...

    for the iphone 6 : 


    in the time when we see mobile phones with 2k display and ultra-HD, the iphone 6 comes with a 750 pixel density , coming almost at 325 ppi, 


    the camera in the iphone 6 comes with an 8 mpx sensor with face recognition and dual LED , it can shoot full HD videos . it sound nice .. but it sound nice on a MOTOROLA G or any midrange phone . but not on the most anticipated phone of the years 


    in the plus side the hardware of the iphone looks beautiful , not as creative as i taught , but still a good slik phone 


    i always taught that the iphone will change the software layout on the next phone ... sadly it always don't always the same i cons the same procedure the same everything .. it will have a bigger screet no probleme add more icons and there you go, i personnaly think the whole systeme should change from it's roots it getting really boring and really frustrating  

    the iphone 6+ it's just slightly better than the 6 .. juust slightly better 

    in the end my taughts on the iphone 6 is a mid-range phone with 2011 specs with a high end smartphone price of 2014 .. 


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